This series follows Joe Exotic aka Tiger King, the eccentric owner of the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park, and his bitter feud with Big Cats Rescue CEO, Carole Baskin. Later in the series, we are introduced to events leading up to Exotic’s conviction under federal murder-for-hire statutes, when it comes to light that he hired a hitman to murder Baskin. Convictions also include violations of the Lacey Act (a conservation law in the United States that prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, possessed, transported, or sold), and the Endangered Species Act (a law in the United States for protecting imperiled species from extinction). This resulted in a 22-year federal prison sentence and one hell of a ride rarely seen on television. If you haven’t seen it yet, buckle up because the ride gets bumpy.
This fun pack of pencils is the perfect gift for fans of the man, the myth, the legend: Tiger King. Each pencil is foil-stamped with a fun reference or pun related to the hit docu-series.
Have you ever just looked at a big unexpected bill and thought to yourself, “I’m never going to financially recover from this?” Anytime something inconvenient happens do you blame that bitch down in Florida? Are we all in agreement that Carole definitely killed her husband? Did Joe bring back the mullet or can we go ahead and let that hairstyle stay in the 1980s where it belongs? Did you know that Tiger King actually ran for president in 2016, wild huh? Have you ever said to someone, “I’d shoot you before I shot my cat?” Let’s face it, all of our cats are baby and no one will change that. Say what you will about this man but he lived his life unapologetically authentic to himself. Join the chaos and get your set.
$3.95 flat-rate, free for orders $29+
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Most in stock orders ship within 1 business day.
2-5 business days (estimated), once shipped.
Hysterical! Love these pencils!
When you can't find something anywhere else, turn to Etsy! These are so funny!